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Re: [RC] OT -- Norton System Works - Jo Ann Knight

Cynthia and Chris

Ditto, I had a problem with Norton this year as well and went to McAfee. 
Very similar to your problem Chris.  I had installed WXP Professional and
suddenly Norton wouldn't load right.  I tried to get help and got flustered
with it so just dumped them and went to Norton.  I also heard a similar
story from my friend in Oklahoma.  So I, like Chris, no longer trust Norton.
I am staying with McAfee or going to AVG.

Jo Ann

-------Original Message-------

From: Chris Paus
Date: 09/23/05 18:49:19
To: Cynthia Eyler; Ridecamp
Subject: Re: [RC] OT -- Norton System Works

Oh, I've learned to hate NOrton! I got a new computer this year and
downloaded Norton systemworks. I've always used it. But it crashed my
computer big time. i couldn't do anything. The computer would come on and go
off and cycle like that over and over. I finally got ahold of tech support
(just try to find a phone number for them, I dare you). I got someone in
India, of course.

Between that person and a second techie, and three hours on the phone and
doing things on the computer, we erased every trace of Norton from my
computer so it's running again. They promised to refund my money, but have
not yet and it's been two months.

I recently bought Macafee and installed it with no problems at all.


Cynthia Eyler <eylerca@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Am I the only subscriber to Norton System Works who's had her protection go

My subscription renewal date is now displayed as 12/30/1899 (should be
12/10/2005), and the status window says that my worm protection is outdated.
Even though I've had the continuous updating function activated for the past
nine months, I've been trying to run online updates, but it doesn't help.


I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship. Louisa May

Chris Paus
BayRab Acres http://pages.prodigy.net/paus
Lake Region SWA http://lakeregionswa.fws1.com


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Re: [RC] OT -- Norton System Works, Chris Paus