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[RC] tripping horse update - Chris PausMy three primary riding horses saw Dr. Drew, the chiro vet today. His AVCA school will open locally next month. I'm so excited about that... experts in chiro , equine dentistry and farrier work will be available.
Star had the most going on chiropractic wise, but not as much as I expected considering his trippiness and his age, 18.
Star had issues at the poll and right shoulder and mid neck. His back was in pretty good shape. Dr Drew said that Star couldn't extend his shoulder out as much as he should. It was pretty locked up. I'm hoping that fixes the tripping problem! He also evaluated the new farrier's work. He thinks generally it's a good job, but would like to see a little more agressive trim. Drew said he almost never says that about a trim, that usually too much is taken off. My farrier is going to be at the chiro school open house to work with a farrier from Germany. I'm hoping he'll pick up some good ideas. Maybe they can use my horse as their demo horse. I also took myself to the chiro today. So with both of us back at "level" I'm hoping we can ride tomorrow and check out the tripping issue again. It is supposed to rain, but I'm hoping not all day.
He also checked out teeth. Dr. Drew is an excellent equine dentist. Here's a good one for you. He looked at all three horses who are ages 18, 9 and 5. Guess who has the sharpest points and needs work the most?
It is the 5YO. she's been less responsive to rein aids lately and tossing her head a bit. I'll guess after we get her teeth taken care of, that will stop! chris I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship. Louisa May Alcott
Chris Paus
BayRab Acres http://pages.prodigy.net/paus
Lake Region SWA http://lakeregionswa.fws1.com