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[RC] Lyn-Riding with chronic pain - Amy CieriI can sympathize with you on this one. Two yrs. ago I was diagnosed with a rare connective tissue disorder. After the birth of my 1st child I had a separated pelvis and fractured tailbone along with numerous joints that started to dislocate on a regular basis.
2nd baby brought more of the same along with SI joint separation. It took some time but I'm back on the horses and find that without riding, the discomfort(ha, term I use only because I'm a nurse) is almost unbearable. Even with riding, functioning can be difficult and like you, people don't see the disability I have, except when I can't help but limp around a bit or stumble after I get off the horse.
I find that the riding strengthens my stomach and back, and of course tones the legs. My arms are the only body part not getting a workout and weight training is out because my shoulders pop out when I lift my arms over my head.
I also have 2 bulging discs in my lower back from an injury in the early 90's. God bless the horses because it's an activity that's in essence, low impact for most of my body.
My docs have also told me to give up riding saying I'm just abusing myself. " Why don't you take up swimming?" I know without riding, I'm a physical mess. I take mega amt's of Motrin, try to protect myself as much as possible, stop when I need to, keep the riding steady and have a safe horse ( at least what I consider safe!).
I plug along and might not do 100's again but hell, I'm on the horse and they keep me going, quite literally. We've all got something to overcome. My hope for you is that an answer will come and you can have some peace. Maybe not total comfort, but peace in knowing what is causing your pain.