Peggy posted: >>> I would not mind paying the same for a 25 as 50
but would like the same recognition
as the 50's.Endurance recog.
mileage , points.<<<
What does ride entry fees have to do with how the
AERC has structured it's mileage, points etc.??? It is a management decision,
and some ride managers feel it cost the same for a 25 miler, or a 50 miler.
Didn't we just have this discussion, and managers explained the costs
involved??? (maybe it was on the AERC list) Some fees are pre set. Porta
potties, campground fees, cost of awards, trail marking materials, vet cards,
and yes, even the vets. Does not matter if you are on the trail for only
25 miles, or 50 miles, the cost of those items do not change. If you finish and
leave at noon, do you think the porta pottie company will discount a ride,
because "a bunch of people left at noon, and they were not used much after
that"??? How about campground fees, that are built in to the entry
fee at some rides. Maybe I'll ask the park ranger if we can just pay 1/2 for
those 25 milers who did not use the camp site as long. And vets are there
usually from Friday at check in, until well after the last horse finishes on
ride day. They charge a day rate. Some rides they might see the 50 milers more
often than the 25's, some are the same number of times. The vet does not care. A
vet check, is a vet check. They are paid to be there for the day, not the number
of vet checks they might or might not see your horse. (hummmm, maybe we
should refund someone pulled early, as the vet only had to see their horse once)
Come on folks, if you have not managed a ride, and do not fully understand the
costs involved, then get out there and get an understanding, before you complain
about entry fees etc. Some managers feel it is best for their particular
ride to charge less for the 25 milers, and some charge the same. It is the
managers choice. If you don't like it, find another ride to go
If you want "endurance" recognition, ride a 50 or
more. If you are happy with the LD program, ride LD's. The organization
has spend many hours deciding how and what kind of recognition to give in both.
This is not some flippant decision. They have come up with what they feel is
best for the sport. And NO, I am NOT putting down those who chose to ride
LD. Don't read anything in to this. The programs are there, for you to choose
from. Find one that best suits you.