Hi, I have a question? I think I remember
reading somewhere that hhof boots that cover the coronary band are not
"allowed" at sanctioned AERC rides. Is this true? Or are they
allowed but you don't get credit for the miles or how does this work? I
have two barefoot horses--one I am planning on doing endurance
with--eventually. His feet were neglected badly before I bought
him. I have only owned him for three months and he has had two
trims. They look immensely better but he still has a lot of flaring and
chipping especially in the rear. When I ride him I use Boa boots in the
front and Old Macs in the rear. AmI not going to be able to use these
when I do endurance? Also, why would they not be allowed? Are they
worried about rubs? Any help would be appreciated.