I have a 7 year old gelding with mild stifle problems –
they “catch” going downhill, sometimes.I’ve had him x-rayed – and the
vet found no bone cysts, so it does seem to be ligament related.At the time we did the x-rays, the vet layed out 2 treatment options – cutting the ligament
or injecting it (causes thickening, and theoretically,
less catching on the bone). Then he
consulted with another vet at Washington State U. who recommended putting
little cuts in the ligament that theoretically would thicken as they healed and
result in less catching on the bone.
Anyone have any experience with that treatment? All the “theoretically” parts
have me nervous.I like this
and levels are just fine for him, but you know, what goes up must come down,
and downhills with a rider (right now) don’t
work so well.