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RE: [RC] FW: [RC] Attention all ride managers- fee hike - Nancy Mitts

This possibility was discussed on the Central Region Ride managers list just before the BOD meeting and the Central Region ride managers where pretty much unamiously against it, especially the increase in the non-member fee.
I, at least, was under the impression that it was only going to be discussed at the meeting & not be a final vote until the next convention.
I'm over 1000 posts behind on the members only list, was this discussed there?

Nancy Mitts

From: "Steph Teeter" <stephteeter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [RC] Attention all ride managers- fee hike
When was this decision made? And why was there no discussion with the
membership prior to the decision?


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FW: [RC] Attention all ride managers- fee hike, Steph Teeter