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RE: [Retrieved] Re: [RC] horsemanship learning NEVER ends---was CTR Thumbs down - Tracey SmithIt really depends on the judge and also as was said the
organization. I do NATRC CTR's where horsemanship is judged and for the
most part what they are looking for is a balanced, centered rider, who is
"light" in the saddle. Not neccessarily stand in your stirrups. But,
being judged by human beings is ALWAYS somewhat subjective so what I have
learned in CTR is certain judges like certain things and that is just part of
playing the "game". Some judges want to practically see daylight on an
uphill and some don't.
I was not knocking Sara one way or the other for her comments...just
saying that for ANYONE to say they "don't need' to learn any thing about
horsemanship is pretty closed minded. Even those at the top of the sport
are continually learning and improving their horsemanship in some way.
And like Jonni said, you can take it or leave it with the horsemanship
comments on your cards from a NATRC ride. I know as someone new to
distance riding 3 years ago when I started CTR I learned a TON from those cards
and it has made me a much better rider today....and what I learned there has
helped me in endurance too. But I don't claim to know it all in the
horsemanship department and part of why most of us love this sport (endurance or
CTR) is that we are always learning new things.
I get bored VERY easily...when I stop learning in a sport or hobby I get
bored and tend to move on...thankfully I don't think I will ever learn it all
and get bored with distance riding as I will NEVER know it all (and neither will
my horse, no matter how much she THINKS she does).