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[RC] Horsemanship and CTR - Brian & Sara Minsk

I am just baffled by all of the implication that endurance riders have poor horsemanship. Are you going to tell me that all endurance riders are yahoo maniacs who don't know how to take care of their horse? That seems to be what I gather from the posts and private e-mails anyway.

Since when did competitive trail riding become the ONLY way to acquire good horsemanship?????? You CTR people must feel so proud that you are the ONLY really good horsemen and women out there! *grin* :-) (Ok. My flame suit is on and zipped up...but easy with the intense flames, please)!!!!!

I think an endurance rider that goes 100 miles and finishes with a sound, happy horse must be doing something right!! Especially, if they do it year after year. That is what I truly admire. The mileage and longevity to finish rides successfully in the sport! And, no...not all top endurance riders are CTR people. I think some people just do CTRs because they are more prevalent than endurance rides. At least, in my region anyway.

There are crappy CTR horsewomen and crappy endurance horsewomen. Just like there are great ones in both.
Good horsemanship is good horsemanship. Period.

Of course, as always, just my uneducated two cents!!




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