I'll jump in since I have a complete assortment of lame
horses, one of whom is lame in the right front.
I did ultrasound (U.C. Davis) in addition to the nerve
blocks and x-rays. Ultrasound revealed a tiny bone fragment of P1 and
a tear in the cruciate distal sesamoidian ligament.
Apparently, this is a very rare condition, but it would
not have been id'd at all if it weren't for ultrasound, so you might consider
Hate to change the subject..well actually maybe I don't.
Anyhow, back to our horses........
I am looking for anyone who has had a horse with lameness that has been
isolated to a hoof and can not be diagnosed beyond that...basically that
is what I am dealing with.
Started last fall....off to the Equine Clinic we go....$600+ worth of
nerve blocks and x-rays showed no navicular or broken bones, but did isolate
the source of lameness to below the fetlock.Vet thought it was something in
the hoof (tendon or ligament) RX- Rest 6 weeks. I rested her all
winter. Started to ride again in spring and she was fine. Time for new shoes
and bang.....the minute the new shoe was on she would not put weight on it.
Took a nail out and she seemed fine. Two days later, go to ride and she is
limping slightly so I give her a month off and she is fine. Ride her for about
3 weeks, leave for a week...come back and she is 3 out of 5 lame on right
front trot circle to right...1/5 trot straight....0/5 trot circle to left.
Same as before. I I am at a loss. Any help appreciated. Can e-mail me
privately if you want and I can also provide more info. Love this horse and
cannot bear the thought of not riding her. Thanks. Martina
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