*Marv, I am not sure your analogy is
applicable in this case for many reasons.
1. Flexible panel saddles do not have a
panel as skinny and narrow as a fishing rod! They are designed to
maximize the size of the weight bearing area of the saddle;and most have
designed the panels with delrin inside and layers of foam and other materials
to distribute weight along the contact area of the panel.
2. Not all flexible panel saddles
have the tree suspended above the panel by two contact points on each
side. For example, Reactor Panel saddles start with a tree that fits the
horse's back by measurements in the angles of the front tree points, and
contours of the back. In the mid back area, the tree is resting on the
panels; it is not suspended. The shock-absorbing discs are front and back of
this area to allow for the movement of the shoulder and