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[RC] 100's and pulls/ declines in ride participation - smuncy

   I saved this ( draft )  and decided to send it in anyway - * And please refer to Cindy Collins' post 7/25... about "fast" 100's, easy terrain, FEI requirements....and add............
   How many of those "pulls" that are listed as 'metabolics ' in 100s'  are really found out  to be lameness issues  ( later  ?.?  - are in  fact.??   ==   I would quess at least  15 - 20 % ) ---   a horse with a ' little tightness  in muscles '  , and poor CRI,  actually is found to have back, tack issues, or 'developing'  a lameness; ( has been compensating /  hurting  ) -  that hasn't fully shown ... lameness, .. yet.(?) ..  AND / OR a horse with elevalated CRI, ( ? listed as metabolic )   ---    shows lameness several hours,... to next day.  But both were "pulled'' as metabolic. ( poor recovery / or listed as 'early ty - up', even late in ride.  )  ...  Lameness.,,   not yet showing,. ,,,,  That and those with poor gut sounds and 'either of above' ,   allowed to continue slowly / with ' warning '  from the vet,  if only doing 25 / 50  ;.. ..  and on a 100 - vet  'automatically'  "pulls".    Just something to consider.. ,, when looking at statistics.  
      Most horses can get though  25 miles, and often 50;  even if 'over ridden' or  'A little dehydrated', slow gut sounds;  they have a chance to recover;  before they get 'too far behind' , ie. "in trouble", or show signs for 'questionable' / True elimination.' 
AND with 100s',  I have seen,  Vets will  'err on side of caution' ,and "pull".  Of  course, in 100's,  affect, gets cumulative**  and sometimes, a horse can't catch up.   [ Don't misunderstand me , I would rather see a horse pulled, early, .. than in "trouble"!!.   The old,  "ounce of Prevention theory, WORTH  A POUND OF CURE " ]   AND, if a rider is  "experienced"  and just 'drags' a horse  'out of  the pasture'  and rides conservatively -  they can get through, ... IF ! ,  they know  horse, how to manage / ride conservatively .*
   AS far as declining numbers - I think   # 1 - is most people are too busy with other aspects of "life" to be able to condition to a 'level' to be able to compete - "competetively". Therefore, some think...... why bother entering. ?
     Others do not want to take most of  thier  vacation time doing rides of that distance, ( especially if  they have family that prefer 'non-horsey'  vacations)- depending on where ride is - can figure on 2  days - if only taking off Fri and Monday off   - and  ' a Lot '  more  days, if really have to travel to a ride, ie,   traveling east to midwest, etc. . consider get  horse rested before and after ride. If doing a longer distance,  I would want to arrive day before check in and stay day later, after ride.... where if doing 50, or less - depending on travel time, may arrive day before and leave day of ride.? ( Later in afternoon, evening.) There  are not many 100's,  that  a person can do that way  - IMO,..   IT takes "about"  a week  -  vacation time getting to ride - relax ( from travel - for horse ), check in day,  ride , recoup, and travel back home.
    # 2   --  I think economics - now,   with price of 'everything',  especially gas -  along with time factors;  listed above. Before,.. couple years ago, I wouldn't think about traveling  hundreds of miles to ride, now.. ?? ..  I think about. I have not attempted that many 100's - I did a few, and can not say,  I would not again, ( if  I had  the horse, who didn't know how  "to  limp"  at the ' first opportunity'  lol,, ....   but I think of  a fellow , who I knew when I asked,  ?  why he wouldn't   DO 100 ?? ..... He replied   >>  " If,   I can't have fun in 50  miles / 12 hrs, what makes me think I would have fun on 100  miles / 24 hrs, !. LOL. !!  Guess it is just a   ..." I want to do it!" sort of mindset. !
    The few 100s'   I ;  the Horse did.( attempted, couple 100's,),  he did not seem to mind, whether we were  out for  100 or 50 miles, ..if I put my foot in the stirrup - we went down the trail, he didn't care  ... It doesn't really require any different equipment, ( just mind-set* , and ride from 'check to check'  ,   !! do not veiw as whole ride.), and a crew is really nice! ( almost ! required ).
     # other problem,  I see with 100's is   --  1 )  it is alot easier to ride  - 50 or 75 miles and get through before / about dark / or just after,    //  
     and  MAINLY>>>>>>..... getting VOLUNTEERS  to help staff the  rides.  I say, ( from timers to vet staff, trail makers ) it takes 2 volunteers for every rider.   And for the same reasons above  - time and money = there are  not that many volunteers.  AND those that are / were volunteers - are also riding,,,,,,
    Other 'problem' alluded to is....  "lack of available trail" - not many  riders really want to do repetetive loops, and 'fight' with horse leaving camp. Just an opinion,  - pls save 'flame throwers'.
( as a rider - generally, without  a crew, I appreciated such a trail.)
   AERC does need to work on publicity - gettitng exposure.   ALOT of people have  NO idea of rides are held in area, or any other information about rides; what endurance riding is / or  conditioning for rides- etc,. Whether volunteer needs / opportunities. Where / what ride is.   Controls, requirements, etc.{ Once I explained the whole conditioning, metabolics, etc. when no other horse sport is so specific on the health of the horse and then told her about the people I mentioned above.  She felt much better  - Stacy S.  -> Many that are not informed, think we just 'grap a  horse'  and go ride 25/50/ 100  miles - and think it is 'abuse', til someone explains the conditioning, vet controls. etc.} This may rest with individual ride managers in their areas. But maybe, AERC needs to put some artilces in other publications for horseowners.......as a FYI, or "filler". 
JMO    Stephanie M