You can also check with RV dealers /
supplier. OR as posted truckstop.
I had two 6 inch fans put in my trailer
several years ago, after market - ( really just home finished dressing room /
gooseneck ) . One is above bed at window, other on wall near window, that
can also be directed toward bed, or to sitting area . They work great with good
air flow if mounted near door or windows, are adjustable as far as direction ,
can be stationary or continual sweeping motion. I have them
work off 12 volt marine battery I have in the dressing room area, that
also powers outside light, and inside lights.Battery generally kept charge
through summer and that was when doing rides about 2 to three times/ month, with
a few multiday rides.Would hook up to charge with trickle charger sometimes
before three to 5 day trips.
Sorry, been about 6 years ago and don't
have name brand, fellow who wired inside area and installed them did
mostly RV work; but I think I even saw them once in Walmart? May also try
Cabelos? Good luck Stephanie M