<And I have to disagree about the awards. Both my horses are
AHA sweepstakes nominated but I am certain my main endurance horse cannot do
a 3:48-4:11 hour 50 miler [the times of the Reg 9 top 5]. So what's my
incentive to participate in the AHA ride, especially if it is at an
extra cost?>
EXACTLY. I think you are
like most AHA endurance riders. Most people who are AHA members
would enter the regional ride to promote endurance within AHA and help fill
the ride numbers. I do not believe most people who enter the AHA
portion of the ride do it for the ribbon. If there is no fee to cross
enter, AHA members will say "why not" and enter the ride. If
there is a fee, they will say "why"? and not.
I would be very interested in the
AHA riders numbers from the Region 9 ride from the last two years.
Last year it was free to cross enter and this year it cost $20.