>I've noticed a lot of people refer to keeping their
stallions by themselves and I'm just curious why they do. Mine is 3 now and
has been in with everybody else since I got him. The herd consists of 2
mares, him and 4 geldings. He's not at all agressive with the horses or
people and seems super happy to be in there. I guess I'm just wondering
if I just got real lucky with his temperment.
I certainly DON'T prefer
it--but with 12 stallions, it is pretty tough to have a safe pasture
situation for each one.
Mine run together as youngsters, and most of
them have experienced pasture life at some time or another, but the reality
of multiple stallions is that it is just too land-intensive and
fence-intensive to provide each and every one with the life I'd prefer them
to have. Most do live right through the fence from somebody, so they
do still have a social life--nobody is "isolated."