[RC] Shift gears on the knee problem... - Suzi Maiorisi
I went for my first post op visit Thursday to find out that my surgery was
a bit more than expected - I was too out of it to ask questions the day of the
surgery. Seems instead of just a meniscal tear I had (procedure)
chondroplasty with microfracture done to remove a quarter to half dollar size of
cartilage that created a pit down to the bone from the lateral portion of the
weight bearing surface of my right knee. The microfracture is done to promote
some sort of cartilage replacement tissue scar (not actually cartilage, but
??). As for how it's going, I feel great unless I twist my knee a
bit. Now I'm wondering if I should be moving down the road in a horse
drawn buggy or ? PT guy says to refrain from riding for at least 4-6
weeks, brainless me forgot to ask the MD when I was there, but I'll ask when I
drop by next week (also do transcription for his partner) and see what he says -
his wife does the horse thing so he's semi-sympathetic.
Anyone else been in the same boat, I'd love to hear from you.
Suzi and Holly who are really wishing this wasn't happening and that the
Texas heat and lack of rain would let up a bit.