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RE: [RC] Question about my upcoming surgery and riding a 100 miler - LINDA GUIDRY


My doctor had me stay down for 6 weeks. I couldn't have done much anyway. I
tried. I got tired very quickly etc. I did get good medication and that kept
me resting. Whatever you do dont push it. Let your body heal. Your doctor
will tell you how much and when. you might be kept from riding longer if you
dont stay down and rest for awhile. Its pretty sore afterwards anyway.

I have tried to post about wanting to purchase a pair of size 00 Boa boots.
Is this ok to do on this list?

Good luck,

On July 23rd I will be riding Tevis, then on the 29th having
my total abdominal hysterectomy (must be something in the
ridecamp water). Anyway, I've put off having this darn surgery
for months and finally my doctor said no more meds that sucker
has to come out. So my question is this, I know that I will
have to have a insision and they will be going through my
stomach muscles etc. How much healing is it going to be on me.
I know that everyone is different like our horses but what is
the estimated time do you all think I'll be down.

I am entered in the Virgina City 100 and thats in Sept. Can I
have surgery on July 29th, have 4 weeks off then come back and
make my first ride a 100? I won't have any rides from Tevis to
Virgina City but will have someone ride my horse keeping him fit
for me.

Don't let the scrawnie (yes I've been called scrawnie, lol)
package fool you. I'm tuff, just rode the NASTAR 75 with a still broken
ankle. But now I am feeling like TUFF just isn't
going to get it, that I have to give it time for the sutures to
and my insides to heal.

Thanks everyone

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