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[RC] Rides in the online calendar that appear to be canceled - Michael Maul

For those members who have alerts set up to let them know when a ride is added to the online calendar - occasionally you will see notices where when you click on the link - it's marked canceled.

Here's an example today

The following rides have just been added to the region(s) you requested:
Eastern Mojave Scenic Pioneer, I, II & III on Feb  3 2006

What happened in this case is that the ride required special sanctioning from the AERC BoD because it is either the first or second year that the ride has taken place and it's a Pioneer ride.

The ride made it online by mistake and the only option that still leaves the ride in the system but still displays it is "Canceled".

The ride really isn't canceled - it's just waiting for BoD approval. We made this one disappear completely until the BoD considers it on the June 27 call.



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