Re: [RC] [AERCMembersForum] pulse recovery/rump rugs - MagnumsmomDot,This is an excellent tip! Thanks for the info! Kathy Myers in Santa Fe, NM ... who will hopefully be starting a chunkier horse within the next couple years... **************** Dot wrote: > I have quite few miles with heavy muscled horses, two QHs, one QH/Arab, a > chunky little Arab, and a leaner Arab. > Lots of vet checks/LD finish recoveries have taught me that use of a butt > rug speeds pulse down. > If I drop the rug at least a quarter mile from the check, come to a good > brisk walk or slow jog, by the time I can get off, get the bridle off, and > get a PR check the horses are almost always down.? If there is a line, or > get a drink first, they are usually well under 60.? (I rarely sponge) > If I forget to drop the rug it may take another minute or so to get > criteria.? Works on all my horses, but most benefits the ones with more hind > quarter muscles. > Doesn't matter if it's chilly or hot, not dropping the rug will take longer > to recover. > Usually leave it down till almost ready to leave the check. > > Dot Wiggins