I had my hysto two years ago, November. I had
mine done vaginally as well, leaving my ovaries. After mine, I had a hard
time with the urinary tract wanting to kick in, and had to come home with the
catheter. I didn't feel bad initially after the surgery or that night in
the hospital. It was when I came home. I went back to the doctor the
same week, them thinking I had possibly abcessed, results showed no abcess but
they find a large cyst on my right ovary. (still have it)
anyway..... I did the bed rest, everything they told me too. Come
spring I noticed little stuff wore me out. Walking the horses across the
barn lot to pasture. Mowing somewhat bothered me, and still does.
But I would feel like it took all my energy to do it. Now, the most
noticable problem I have pertaining to horses, is saddling. I can lift the
saddle, but the bringing it up to start to put it over the back, having it now
moved away from my center of gravity, really pulls on me. Takes a lot of
effort. And I can't lift as much weight as I did, but still quite a bit,
but when it starts to "pull" I know I'm at my limit.
I know the less you do initially the less likely
you are to form scar tissue. My step sister had one soon after I did, but
felt great, started excersising, dancing, etc. she to this day has
problems where as I do not. So for the long haul it's best to let
everything to, so you don't have a life long issue.