I am a little late coming into this conversation
about flea and tick prenvention. But here goes. I have been a professional
groomer for 18 years. I believe in natural products when they work, most people
are not persistant enough for the natural route. Flea Busters does work for all
bugs in the house as a PREVENTION before you actually have a problem. It takes 6
weeks for it to work if you do have a problem. Chickens are wonderful bug and
fly eaters. I have 10 chickens on my 15 acres and have almost no flys. Advantage
will work for fleas if you do not already have a major problem. I have seen no
cases of reactions to it. Frontline and Frtline Plus work well for ticks, but it
takes 24 hours to kill once bitten. Revolution goes throughout the body and can
affect the internal organs. My vets (who I work for) does NOT reccomend it. I
use Neem dip diluted on horse and garden with excellent results. It is natural
and I have had not had any reactions. I also use Neem shampoo on dogs and cats
at work with fleas and ticks and even though I have to let the animals sit in
shampoo for 10 to 15 min. have had no reactions. I have seen a reaction to the
new product Advantix. On a small toy poodle ( a client) and she was hospitalized
for 3 days. It will kill cats. Never put dog products on cats. It will cause
toxic reactions. Oh and the gorocery store stuff will cause reactions and can be
very toxic, plus they don't work. Spot on for horses is the same thing as
Killtix. I was able to sample it through the vet when it was first be put on the
market. It lasted for a week and then was useless for flies.