After much local asking around, I have settled on a
chiro. guy to come check out my Skipper. He had fall in the pasture a
couple of years ago that left him lame and sore in the hip for several weeks. He
has always had a mild brace to the left. Kind of a perpetual project keeping him
supple that way. After the fall, he hated to turn left in a canter. Much
time to recover and stretching exersises later, we worked it out. We had to move
due to a job transfer and the horses were out to pasture for a whole year of
just being horses. I have had them home a couple of months. Brace does not
describe Skippers desire to not turn to the left at any gate. In the pasture, he
is great and relaxed to the right, but stiffly turns his whole body together to
the left. It doesnt slow him down any, nor is he lame on any leg. But his left
turns are stiff tight forehand pivots. Vet didn't find anything so I thought I
would have a horse chiropractor look at him. We are working on suppleness and I
am not sure that it isn't just that after a year of not working to the left he
just needs more time to work it back out. My daughter could see what I was
talking about when I pointed it out to her, but didn't notice it before. I can
be a little over protective of Skip. We have never had this kind of work done
before. I did a lot of asking around and the guy has a good reputation. But can
somepeople tell me what to look for or to expect? Is there anything I
should be keeping watch for that would be "bad" for my Skip. I know horses can
be soar after a session, but how do I know if I need to say "STOP GET
AWAY FROM MY HORSE"? hmm, sound like an overprotective mom dont
I. (this whip is not to lunge my horse, its for you if you hurt