RE: [RC] Synergist Saddles - Stacy SadarApril,
I had to laugh because I tell everyone the same thing.... "I paid more for this saddle then my horse!" And now to replace the saddle it would be "I would pay more for this saddle then TWO of my horses!" But it was all well worth the money and I'd do it again even with today's prices.
"Sauer, April" <SauerA@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: I had Synergist make a saddle for my mule and I last year. I can't say enough good things about them and the saddle. I spent twice the price I paid for my mule on the saddle but we're both comfortable. I had tried several different saddles on my mule and this is what works for her. She has nice even sweat patterns. I had them make an endurance saddle for me, therefore I can't address the dressage saddle.