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Re: [RC] OUCH -
Cynthia Eyler
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Re: [RC] OUCH -
Diane Trefethen
[RC] upcoming BLM adoptions by state - Mary Ann Spencer
Upcoming BLM Wild Horse & Burro Adoptions by State
Posted: May 30, 2005 at 3:02 PM
BLM Wild Horse and Burro Adoptions will be coming to your state!
For more detailed information, please call 1-866-4Mustangs or visit -
for regional phone numbers.
May 13-14th - Elk City Oklahoma
May 14th - Carson City, Nevada
May 14-15th - South Congaree, SC
May 20-22nd - Golden, Colorado
May 21-22nd - Marianna, Florida
May 21-22nd - Midland, Michigan
May 21-22nd - South Jordan, Utah
May 27-30th - Bishop, California
June 4-5th - Lorton, Virginia
June 4-5th - Vallejo, California
June 9-12th - Corvallis, Oregon
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Re: [RC] OUCH -
Diane Trefethen
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Re: [RC] OUCH -
Cynthia Eyler
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[RC] tack-up - more info
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[RC] horse's gate is slightly shorter on right side