[RC] returning to competition after colic - Laura Hayes
Hi Cindy-
I have a good example for you: remember my
older mare from XP, Equal Terms? She had coliced four hours after coming
in third and winning BC on the third or fourth day of XP. We treated her
with Banamine and NG water and she appeared fine 20 minutes later. We
suspected ulcers, as she had done this a couple times before. I vowed I
would not ride her again.....BUT, we were traveling and she was being tied to
the trailer every day while I was riding one of the other mares. Being so
fit she was bursting out of her skin, a couple weeks later I decided to try and
ride her again---I went really slow and made sure she ate carrots every few
miles for the whole ride. So far so good. I did one more
slowwwww day a few days later and then did the entire last week of XP with her,
but making sure she was eating and drinking every few miles, and NEVER
allowing her to go as fast as she would have liked to go. She has now done
three more rides and Saturday she won the Michaux Madness 75 and BC. I
took her off all elytes, as I think she is intolerant of them, and I really
encourage her to eat. I don't take her to flat fast rides, or rides where
there will be no grass.
Every horse is different and every colic can be
different, but since you asked....
See you at Big Horn!!
Laura Hayes Vine Cliff Farms Brocton,
NY AERC# 2741