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[RC] Michaux Madness - Flora HillmanUnforeseen
circumstances forced me to cancel out of Saturday's 75 mile
division at the Michaux Madness 50/50/75, but ride management
graciously opened a slot for me in the 50 the next day when I found
myself lucky enough to get free in time to run up to PA. I
came in 3rd on the 50 last year for
this ride's maiden flight , but this
year I just wanted to relax, take my time, and enjoy the woodland trails
and long stretches of beautiful gravel and park roads.
The Mount Alto State Forest mountains are breath-taking, and the views are
stunning. Sunday had to be the most glorious day ever to ride those beautiful,
tough trails. I debated taking my camera on the first loop -- in retrospect I
wish I had. However, I did take it on the second loop, snapping away at
the vistas and trails. There was a military jet flyover when I started up
the mountain on the 2nd loop -- I was dying to take a shot of the
3 jets going full bore, but the trees obscured the flight and I could only
listen in awe. My pony ignored the whole thing, including the sonic
boom. What a trooper. Stopped and talked to two older men who
were running the trail, passed a group of western riders out for a stroll, and a
husband/wife team of mountain bikers hand walking their bikes up one
trail. Everyone was super friendly -- it was so nice to see how easily we
can all share and enjoy the trails together. One section of trail went
through a wild turkey habitat, and lo and behold we passed a
big gobbler who gave us the beady eye before scuttling off into the
underbrush. The peace and beauty of that area just fills the soul. What a
wonderful way to spend Memorial Day in reflection for those who gave their lives
so we could enjoy such a country as this.
Applause and
kudos to Skip and Barb Kemmerer once again for hosting a brilliant
ride. I loved it the first year, and loved it even more this year.
Hopefully, nothing will stand in my way of enjoying 75 miles of Michaux's trails
next year .
Link to the
topographical map of the area. http://terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?T=2&S=14&Z=18&X=90&Y=1377&W=3&qs=Campus+Drive%7cMount+Alto%7cPA%7c&Addr=Campus+Dr%2c+Mont+Alto%2c+PA+17237&ALon=-77.5440461&ALat=39.8404285