Re: Fw: [RC] Big Horn 100 - Truman PrevattThe only state that will check your health papers every time ( and that is every time all the time 24/7 ) you cross the state line is FL. I've been pulled over in GA and KY and had health papers checked but not every time I go through. I've traveled all over the west several times. I've had my health papers checked twice. First was in CO coming from Utah when there was a VS outbreak in 1997. The second was at the Ft Howes ride in 2001 when a brand inspector noteing we were from FL so weren't required to have any brand inspection wanted some sort of proof of ID for the horses. A coggins, health certificate or registration paper would have worked so we showed him out health papers.I've had my hay checked for fire ants in AZ - but they ignored the horses. In Utah coming from Page on 89, we stopped at the "ag stop" and the guy wanted to know why we stopped. I guess we woke him up. In 1997 coming from CO back to FL we were traveling through Texas - ah Texas my favorite state ;-) . The vet checked with Texas and determed we needed a 48 hour health certificate along with the normal one because there was VS in Boulder county (we were staying in Boulder county). Well of course after getting a 48 hour health certificate - no one bothered to look at it in Texas - in fact no one bothered to check anything in Texas. So it really depends. It's better to have all your paperwork in order - just in case. In FL we now have Coggins cards - offical cards about the size of a credit card with the official hologram and pictures of the horses. These work great for ID. There is also the SE states interstate passport which also works well, but of course it's only good in the SE states that accept it. Truman Dot Wiggins wrote: It depends. If there have been reports of stolen stock, or there is a disease outbreak of some kind all can and will stop you. On the other hand, in many years with horses on the road in most Western states I have been asked for papers only once. just a brand inspection, in Mont I do know folks that have had to show papers though. Most are more concerned with ownership, travel permits than, health, but the fines and hassle can be unpleasant. With the season health permits and lifetime brand/travel papers, it's not worth it to go without. -- "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, Information, Policy, Disclaimer: Subscribe/Unsubscribe Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=