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Re: [RC] Prineville, Injured riders and horses - Karla Watson

But you didn't answer why when you asked the injured rider if she was ok, then when she said no, you rode off?? Whats up with that?? You should of gotten her some help.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 7:37 PM
Subject: [RC] Prineville, Injured riders and horses

Please Reply to: Paula Juergens cowlitztractor@xxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm the one with the Palomino BLM mustang, almost 7 mos off the range now, Yes, he's also a stallion, no,, he wasn't running down any trails, but he did finish 26th in the LD. and I rode with one other horse the entire time,, Candy's appy mare, who was in standing heat,, and no, there was no lounging at other horses, or anything else, even when she nearly pee'd on his nose at our final vetting in at hte end of the ride, he did try to talk to her. But thank goodness Candy has an awesome mare that kept her mind on work just like my little stallion, he was rather more interested in food then sex by the mid point vet check so his breif verbalizations were quickly forgotten over green grass.
I was told that the Tennessee Walker stallion that had arrived the day before had been having some real arousal issues. Tonka unfortyunately for him, lives with mares and isn't allowed to stand any of them because he has a hung up testicle. So yes he's a intact male, it helps him stay in better natural shape and racing is easier then if he were gelded, but he has yet to actually jump on anything other then his favorite John mule here at home, who's teaching him how to be extremely timid about it! LOL

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[RC] Prineville, Injured riders and horses, Ridecamp Guest