Re: [AERCMembersForum] Re: [RC] 100 mile rides - Barbara McCrary
Title: Message
We DID have fun in 1986, didn't we?
But the FEI was so anxious to get started in the USA that the reps overlooked a
LOT of their (then) very strict rules, like passports, separate camping, or even
stall incarceration with guards(!) I was on the ground jury in Canada, and
they had portable stalls with guards on duty all night. Sheesh! The
anxiety precipitated by Europeans who have been battled and conquered by their
neighbors for so many centuries that trust is minimal.....
Having been
engaged in the first FEI ride, held in Davenport CA in 1986 and several others
along the way, the latest Steph's Arabian Nights, I have found the degree of
"stuffiness" or "compounded difficulties" depends on the attitude of the
management.and officials. Some of the rides were "FUN", Davenport and Oreana,
Some were exact,and disciplined but very fair, Stockholm WEG. Some were a pain
and ugly.
As with most
anything horse related IT ALL DEPENDS! The attitude and knowledge of the
management and officials makes the ride. One thing that could be an influence
is the requirement in FEI venues of particular treatment for particular
officials whereas all AERC officials(?) are volunteers and do not expect
special treatment. i.e. the AERC officials, and the only one I know of is the
Steward when required, are just riders like you and me. The FEI officials are
appointed, mandated and have endowed status and often act
Any one care
to comment?
Bob Morris Morris Endurance Enterprises Boise, ID
-----Original Message----- From: Barbara
McCrary [mailto:bigcreekranch@xxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Wednesday,
January 12, 2005 9:52 AM To: AERCMembersForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [AERCMembersForum] Re: 100
mile rides
Frank, unless things have changed since
we last dual-sanctioned a ride, AERC did not have a steward...only
FEI. I think the various more stringent rules, along with someone to
make sure they aren't broken (stewards) was/is part of the reason some of
the AERC membership did/does not like the influence of FEI in this
country. I know that several years ago when I was on the board, there
was a lot of balking about becoming involved with FEI rules in AERC
rides. Quite likely the opposition has changed a great deal since
then. I can understand why some riders still don't like the FEI
influence. I had hoped that the two entities could be kept completely
separate, but it appears that hasn't been the case. Having stewards
and stringent rules certainly levels the playing field and attempts to keep
things fair, but some riders would still prefer the older, more relaxed way
of conducting rides. In short, some riders aren't so competitive that
they fuss if someone appears to take advantage of the laxity of rules.
I would be interested in others' thoughts on this.
Okay, I've ridden Fort Howes when it was a dual sanctioned (AERC/FEI)
ride. It was still a hundred miles of sheer pleasure and
delight. The vet checks were a bit different, but, being an
endurance rider, adaptation ain't so hard.
What I'd really like to know is, does the AERC have a Steward at the
dual-sanctioned rides? If so, great. If not, WHY NOT?
An AERC Steward SHOULD be there to represent the AERC, cause the FEI
is CERTAINLY represented. The AERC Steward should avail themselves
to AERC members with concerns, questions, bitches or just the need to
Perhaps that would help.
As for me, I liked the FEI folks I talked to and
who helped me (I rode as an AERC rider only). When I finished the
100 at two in the morning, the FEI Steward (Robin) was waiting for me at
the finish and was very pleasant to me and my horse.