Here are some email addresses for letters to reopen the Los Caballos horse camp in RanchoCuyamacaState Park.
The Director of the Montane Sector
(the park is in this sector), Laura lItagawa,lItagawa@xxxxxxxxxxxx
The Director of the Colorado Desert District, Matthew Fuzie (he is Laura’s boss),mfuzie@xxxxxxxxxxxx
The Chief of the Southern Field Office, Ted Jackson (he is
Matthew’s boss), tjackman@xxxxxxxxxxxx
The Director of the entire parks Department, Ruth Coleman
(yep, the real boss), rcoleman@xxxxxxxxxxxx( I am not 100%
sure this is an accurate address)
The Secretary of California, Mike Chrisman (he was appointed
by Arnold to oversee
the Parks and other Departments in the state of California.), Cyndy.Paulsen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(sorry, you have to email his
You can also email your local STATE senator and
assemblyperson.Use this link to
find out who represents you in Sacramento and obtain
there email.All you have to
do is enter your zip code, really fast and easy.
Thank you for taking the time to get a brief note to these people.Just let them know you want the Los Caballos horse camp reopened ASAP in it’s
current location in RanchoCuyamacaState Park.Thank you again, your email WILL make a