I was about 10 when I started rereading the horse
books in the children's part of the library. I was sent upstairs to the
adult part and there I found Zane Grey. I was hooked. I use to put a
book in my bike basket and read on my way to the piano lesson. When I hit
a car and scared the driver half to death, I quit that!! I was 11 almost
12 when my parents foolishly got me my first horse. I believe the deal was
that if I could find a place to keep the horse, they would get me one. It
took me 15 min and the horse came home the next week. I believe my little
mare was part arab and she was the best horse for a first horse that could have
been. My parents had no clue! That mare took me everywhere, thru
everything, and the only time she had a fit was when I hitched her up to the
antique buggy that had a broken shaft. She roared down the incline with me
and friend diving out and thru the gate which the buggy hit and then landed
upside down with the wheels spinning. It was an awesome wreck. I
quickly put the buggy away but my folks still got a phone call that night to
state that I should leave that antique buggy alone!! I should state that
the farm where I kept my horse was on the Underground RR system so it was a
pretty old buggy. Now I am wiser, more sedate, and don't get into as much
trouble! And those who know me will laugh.