The first time I drove coast to coast moving with the horses I had every night planned with reservations and stalls. HA ! ! That lasted two nights. Then the third night we drove and drove and drove and finally found a sign that said 115 miles to our destination. I was in tears I was so tired. So I told my husband to find an off the main drag hotel with a dirt parking lot out back. We did and I tied the horses to the trailer all night. They were MUCH happier being by "their" trailer and relaxed and ate and slept (something they had not done in the nice stalls I was paying for). I guess when they stayed at the trailer they thought of it as "home".
Lee ".......and God sought to bestow upon man a supreme mark of his blessing. God created the horse. The horse could run faster than the deer, jump higher than the goat, and endure longer than the wolf. Man, being encompassed by elements that sought to destroy him, would have been a slave, had the horse not made him king."