Re: [RC] Arabian Numbers+SUPPLY & DEMAND - abigail Madden
To illustrate this point.....
Several years ago I was speaking with young man from the UAE driving a brand new Dodge Viper that had no lien holder on it......paid for. (yes, I was giving him a ticket for driving it waaaay too fast) While we chatted I asked him about endurance riding in the UAE. He looked at me a little puzzled and said, "You mean horses?" When I said yes, he said, "Oh, only the rich kids get to do that." My jaw must have dropped. All I could think about was what his definition of "rich" was. Here he was living and going to school in a foreign country, very nice/expensive apartment, expensive clothes, and a $70,000.00 car. He then asked if I had ever ridden a horse. When I told him that I owned 3 horses, his jaw dropped. He could not fathom that I could afford such things on my public servant salary. We both learned a few things that day.
In terms of horse prices and stud fees. Quality is quality and I have no problem paying for it.
Chico, CA<<<Very, very windy, cold & rainy today.
Truman Prevatt <tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
John you make some interesting observations. Horse ownership seems to be quite a bit different in the US than many other countries. I many coutries equine activities are a purview of the wealthy. In the US much of it is by the "proletariat." I suspect that in the US for the most part CTR and endurance are the sports of the "proletariat" where as in many other countries it is a sport of the wealthy.