Here in Egypt the breeders actively avoid endurance for the
most part. Breeders like Wigdan el Barbare or Nasr Marei do not have
horses participating in endurance, although there might be some that are
bought from their studs (I doubt it strongly, however). On the
whole, the main breeders have horses that are so much more expensive than
the baladi (grade) Arabs and most of the "endurance" riders are grooms
employed by pyramids stables, so the economics are not favourable to
having stables compete unless the breeders decide to do so.
is absolutely full of Arab horses, albeit most of them of mixed blood,
even the cart horses show very distinct Arab characteristics, so most
riders don't see the point in paying LE 20 thousand or more for a horse to
ride. The other thing to take into account is the fact that the only "real
endurance" here is the FEI flat racing. We have all seen the casualties
involved in this and most breeders are EXTREMELY reluctant to risk
expensive horses in such a risky