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[RC] OT - western tack question - Jackie Causgrove

I've always ridden English and thus am unfamiliar with the uses of a bosal.  The reason I am asking is because I want to know if I should be concerned or not.
I board my horse and the owner of the barn has done several strange things and I am currently looking for a new barn to take my horse.
Given that, the barn owner has taken to using a bosal headstall when leading my mare to turn her out.  She also brings a lunging whip with her as well.
When I first bought my mare, she had not been handled much in her life.  She didn't know how to lead etc and she use to crowd when she was being led.  I have no difficulities with her and she leads fine for me.  But I think the barn owner is a bit afraid of my mare etc.  This a long story etc
My mare's halter still hangs where it always does.
Why would anyone switch to this type of headstall?
(Oh, I am always out there when the barn owner is at work.  So, no one is around for me to ask.  And I usually play phone tag too. )

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