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Re: [RC] mud and sand and stuff - rides2far

but pushing the wheelbarrow 
through > the wetstuff too.  

You have 2 options. 1: lay down scrap boards in a line towards your
manure pile. You can line up that wheel on your wheelbarrow and it's no
problem. 2: Put it in a muck bucket and slide it over the mud. I like to
tie a longer rope handle on mine so I'm not bent over in a weird
position. The wet manure/bedding is heavy and that's rough on the back.

Important  note! NEVER try to run across deep mud fast in your mudboots.
If you're really moving on you'll end up standing in deep mud on one
foot, trying to keep your other sockfoot out of the mud, looking
hopelessly back at your other boot which is standing firmly in the mud
farther than you can reach behind you. With the foot you're standing on
so firmly stuck in the mud it's pretty easy to stay upright, which gives
you a long time to ponder the situation, yell for help and then listen to
them laugh as they see you finally give in and plant that foot in the



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