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Re: [RC] Mud and More Mud - Chris Paus

It's like that here too, and now it's freezing. It's
29 degrees and RAINING...ugh. We got 2 inches of rain
two nights ago, and mist all day yesterday, now
freezing rain, and it's supposed to change to snow
tomorrow. ugh....

I bout froze todeath delivering a round bale to the

--- RHightshoe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Rain and more rain.  I started building an Ark but
stopped because I would
only be able to take two horses.  I won't let my
horses out on pasture when
the ground is soggy because they would ruin what
grass is available.  I
keep them in corals and everything works out well
except the more it rains
the deeper the mud gets.  It looks like they are all
standing in about a
foot of muck and water and it will seemingly take
forever to dry out even
if the rain stops.  I'll probably be doctoring for
Thrush before it is all
over.  I'd be interested in learning how others deal
with muddy corals.
Logically, I would think mixing truck loads of
gravel in with the soil
might help but I have no idea if the gravel would do
more harm then good.
If you have had a similar problem and were able to
fix it, I would
appreciate the benefit of your experience.  Thanks, 


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Chris and Star

BayRab Acres


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[RC] Mud and More Mud, RHightshoe