Re: [RC] SCID : Calling vets and breeders - GoldenCMK
In a message dated 1/4/2005 2:39:12 A.M. Central Standard Time,
maryann.spencer@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
ONLY way to eliminate a genetic disorder is to NOT breed
known carriers.
I disagree with this thought completely. There are plenty of genetic
disorders there are no test for. As long as there is a test we are doing fine.
If you eliminated every horse that was a carrier from the genetic pool that
would be a huge loss for Arabian gene pool. Carriers have other genes to
contribute other than the SCID gene. If you eliminated SCID carriers,
carriers of the Lavender Foal or the many other non favorable genetic
genes. I'd much rather stay away from bad conformation genes than SCID.