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[RC] relocate to Austin, TX area -
Esther Ramos
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[RC] Trot speed -
Steve Elliot \(Equine Performance\)
[RC] Gene Glasscock... saddle info needed - Paddi
I just got off the phone from talking to Gene Glasscock.
I gave Gene halterbrildes to make his travels easier and he calls once in awhile to chat.
He is in need of a good western saddle that is light but durable and comfy.
I told him I would ask ridecamp what they would recommend because it is the best source of information out there.
His current saddle is 50 years old and worn out.
The synthetic saddles would wear out for to quickly he felt.
Paddi Sprecher
Canadian Trail House
1-866-987-4816 toll free order line
Canadian Distributor for Dixie Midnight No-Sweat Vent Pads
EasyCare Stirrups and Easy Boots
Biothane Tack, Skito Equalizer Pads
Cashel Flymasks
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[RC] Trot speed -
Steve Elliot \(Equine Performance\)
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[RC] relocate to Austin, TX area -
Esther Ramos
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[RC] LA Times Hopkins Story: Long trail of lies
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[RC] relocate to Austin, TX area