My feelings are very strong about permission
to trespass.....if someone asks politely, it's fine. It's when someone
"assumes" the right to trespass on our land that frosts me. Politeness
" I've been tempted to stop when I see people driving out of the
gate from > their ranch and ask permission to ride but have never been
brave enough t> o do it yet...I'd love to hear from someone who has, too
before I dive off "
If someone comes to our place and just asks
nicely about obtaining permission to ride through our place it is greatly
appreciated . Also mentioning that you will leave gates as you find them is a
big thing with us anyway , we have had fisherman open gates and then just drop
them to then have the livestock tangle up in them and getting wire cuts . You
would not believe the number of people that just assume they can ride or fish
anywhere at anytime without permission . We have never turned anyone down that
wanted to come through our place but have threatened many trespass charges to
people that come in without asking . After all it is common courtesy and maybe
the land owner will have conditions to use the access as we did , we had sheep
and livestock guard dogs so no dogs were permitted on our place .