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[RC] FWD: Riders -
Stephanie Teeter
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[RC] endurance? -
Scott Johnson
Re: [RC] Combo Care - Magnumsmom
The Ivermectin / combo paste wormers are for additional
tape worm coverage only and do not "replace" the "pancur
purge". They do replace the double strongid dose, but the
"pancur purge" gets encysted strongyles. Quest is also
supposed to be affected against encysted strongyles, but
the safety zone on quest is a heck of a lot smaller than
the pancur purge. You can also use "Safeguard" to do a
5 day pancur purge. Hope this helps,
Kathy Myers
in Santa Fe, NM
... working too late again tonight...
ps... My mother and I bred shelties years ago. She is a
judge for shelties and collies now. Anyways, the origins of
the sheltie is very varried and litters rarely breed "true" to
size. The collie *is* in the history of the sheltie breed. I
have seen 19 - 20" shelties and I have seen 18" collies, so
I am absolutely not surprised to hear about purebred shelties
the same size as purebred collies.
Interestingly enough, we also started to see the miniturization
gene showing up in some sheltie litters... producing puppies
who were 1/2 the normal size as puppies and adults.
Per the AKC, in the 1970's it was a sheltie "breeder" (who
also won big and sold $1000 pet puppies... a huge price
for the day) who finally forced the AKC to shut down some
kennels. They did a lot of showing / winning. They also did
a lot of mishandling of papers. The AKC was finally forced
to revoke the papers on some dogs... though at the time
they wanted to "just be a registration listing agency". They
finally realized that without some sort of accurate registration
policy they had no organization. They do shut down some
puppy mill kennels and do audits, but I totally agree they
could do a lot more. AKC doesn't mean a thing in many
puppy for sale ads.
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[RC] endurance? -
Scott Johnson
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[RC] FWD: Riders -
Stephanie Teeter
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Re: [RC] Combo Care