My farrier prefers to square off the front more than the rear. Squaring the toe speeds up breakover and you want the back feet to slow down, not speed up. This worked perfectly with my Morgan gelding.
Linda and Shennandoah
In a message dated 2/17/2004 7:07:27 AM Central Standard Time, paus@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Agreed! A good farrier can do a lot for an overreach problem.
chris --- sharp penny <penelope_75647@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Before you resort to bell boots check into having > your > horses hind toes squared next time you shoe. My guy > Reno > overreached and was constantly hitting his fronts > esp. when > he got tired. Squaring off the toes solved the > problem. > Might be worth a try or atleast discuss it with your > farrier. > > Regards, > Penny > --- Chris Paus <paus@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Boy, I just hate to use bell boots or any kind of > > boots on my horse. They get hot, they fill up with > > water and dirt,...... >