Thanks to all who
replied. Basically, you confirmed my thoughts - most likely not enough
water. And, yes I've got tons of beetpulp for my endurance horses &
Rhett certainly could start getting some. Also, my thought, just add a
little salt, not necessary to go full out with "electrolytes".
Checked for sand,
& I check all several times a year - No sand. Considered the
possibility of ulcers. Rhett isn't mine, my barn is a co-op of 3 owners -
I'm sort of the unofficial manager since I've been there the longest . So
I'll be passing on all the suggestions. Rhett does get regular exercise
although we've had a lot of icy junk on the ground & they haven't been on
trail & not moving around as much in pasture.
So, we'll do the
worming & hopefully come up with the right mix of feed, wet beet pulp,
& a little salt that he'll be fine. Three of the other horses have
been there 10 yrs, same hay, same pasture, etc. & no colic.