Re: [RC] [AERC-Members] Sanctioning issues - Barbara McCrary
Rides with national significance were mostly
Special Qualification Events, based on whether they required certain
qualifications, as the ROC did and AERC NC does. These were always handled
on a national level and approval of their sanctioning always went before the
board. Special Events rides, namely multi-day, also had to meet board
approval for the first two years. Then if there was no negative report
from riders, they were approved thereafter by the SD of the region in which they
were held.
Rides with national significance, ROC, AERC NC, Pioneer
events that corss regional boundaries, etc., should be handled on a
national level; but all regional rides should be handled on the regional level
by people in the region.
Steph Teeter wrote:
AERC is more regionally oriented than USEF, and has more Endurance
events, and therefore geography/demography is very critical when scheduling
rides. Each region is different and the process needs regional input, but
not total regional control. There are too many other (National/AERC)
sanctioning issues to be considered.
think the current sanctioning system that AERC uses is becoming less
appropriate as the sport grows.