" > Does
anyone out there have a wonder cure for Scratches. I am using Shapleys
MTG from Jeffers. Seems to be helping but would like a faster
= cure for this nasty stuff. I have tried Micro Tek and Destin
before and it = does not seem to help any better.
All of my riding horses have been prone to
scratches unfortunately , probably because they are kept in an irrigated pasture
that also contains clover :-) Every one of my horses responds differently ,
what works like a miracle on one won't begin to heal the other . One horse Trail
Rites magical cream worked great , another was a 50/50 solution of penicillin
and DMSO , my current horse Micro Tek is the cure . All I know for sure are that
they are a huge pain to treat no matter what . What I would like to hear from
you guys is what do you put on your horse at a ride or at home to prevent
getting them ? It seems like destin would tend to keep the dirt and sand on the
area instead of protecting it or am I wrong about that ?