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Re: [RC] White feet - Beth Gunn

I have 4 horses, all with 3 white feet.  One mare, 18 yrs and endurance work
since 7 years of age, and one gelding 13 yrs with 6 years of LD work.  Other
2 are youngsters.  Never a problem with feet at all.  Live in sandy pine
forest, hard dirt roads and deep sand for training.  I say never :-) and
pray!  I think heredity has a lot to do with this as does good exercise and
good hay/feed.
Good Riding
Beth Gunn AERC11165
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ridecamp Guest" <guest-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 12:07 PM
Subject: [RC] White feet

Please Reply to: Pattie Holsbeke horseygrandma2000@xxxxxxxxx or

Hi everyone. I want to know your opinions of a horse with white feet
compared with a horse with black. Does it make a difference? Would you buy a
horse with white feet for endurance racing? Is this an old tale or is there
truth to the warning. Has anyone had trouble with a horse {lameness} and
blamed it on having white instead of black feet? I know alot has to do with
the structure of the foot itself but does it differ from black to white?
Thanks for your opinions. Pattie

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[RC] White feet, Ridecamp Guest