Well, I finally got Fionn out for some work on
Saturday. He did great, trotted most of the time (whether I wanted him to
or not...he had ants in his pants:-) I, however, didn't do so well.
I was fine during the ride and for the rest of the day, but today I
*hurt*! I'm afraid I need more work than Fionn does if we're going to be
able to do some CTR this year.
So, my question. Besides time in the saddle,
do you guys have any kind of routine to get yourselves in shape for the
season? I work out (an hour of weights and an hour on the ski machine or
treadmill every other day) but I was still more sore than usual after having a
three hour battle of wills with my recalcitrant cowpony. Is there anything
else I can do?