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Re: [RC] Camping in the rain - Truman Prevatt

Let me introduce you to the Jbird. He doesn't do cold. He turns down right cranky if it's cold and wet. He's been know to take out a chunk of flesh if someone forgets to put his blanket on and it turns cold. At home if it going below 40 - he has a turn out rug on. Over the miserable weather we had over Christmas one night he had a blanket with a rain sheet on top. He has spend the night after a ride (in FL) with two blankets on.

When we drove to Idaho from early June through mid June - he dame near froze a couple of times. One was when he got snowed on in Boseman, MT (about 15 June). He had a blanket on every night till about the first of July in Northern, ID.

Our other horses don't seem to mind the cold - some like it better than others, but the Jbird is a horse of a different color. He was born in FL, raised in FL and has a FL attitude about cold weather and as he says, "I don't do cold."


Jonni wrote:
It is MISERABLE for the horses to be tired to horse trailer in the rain.
When out on good pasture, the hroses will get into a place with less rain
and/or wind.<<<

Nope, mine don't go under shelter, they don't go under the trees, they don't
go where the wind is less. Silly boys just keep eating, and turn their tails
to the wind, and get soaked. 

“A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficul

“A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.”  Harry S. Truman

[RC] Camping in the rain, Jonni