Bins like that are great, keeps the hay out of
the mud. I've had some wooden apple bins in the past; now Lud makes
replicas. (It helps being in the lumber business.) And we nail
metal angle iron or sheetrock edging along the top to discourage wood
chewing. Lucky you to get a tripod sprinkler. In the fix-it dept.,
one of our sons-in-law gave us a gift certificate for "two agricultural burns;
you choose what you want burned and I'll be there." This from a man who
loves to clear brush and start fires. Boy, will this come in
handy! We have so many places that trees have died and gone down; makes
the pasture look messy.
Top of my list was plastic pear bins for pasture feeders, they are
heavy, safe and last forever, unfortuntaely very pricey and we are trying to
scroungs from packing sheds. I think I am getting at least
I also asked for a manure fork.
Mike did find a great new's a big tripod sprinkler...can use
it on my veg. garden or little horse irrigated pasture.