Re: [RC] abcesses that take a long time to heal. - Truman Prevatt
In my experience with hoof abcesses is too much mostiure is main
problem. I've to yet have one yet in the dry season (knock on wood).
However, when the rainly season comes along and the feet pick up too
much mositure, then they become prone to abcesses. Small openings seem
to open up when the feet become too wet and nasty things can get past
the sole and cause an abcess. It seems to be independent of if they
are shod or not.
When one comes along, I soak twice a day with epson salt. After
soaking, I cover the bottom of the hoof with Ichtamol (sp?) apply
plastic wrap to the bottom and put the hoof in an easy boot and trun
them out. Withing a few days it seems to clear it up. I also have it to
blow out of the top of the hoof (I think it's called "gravel") without
every noticing it is there till it has already blown.
My farrier has noted old stone bruses when he has trimed the foot but I
as of yet to have an abcess develope from one of these (knock on wood).
Chris Paus wrote:
And I would add that I've seen a good number of
abcesses start because of stone bruises on unshod
-- “Why has government been instituted at all
“Why has government been instituted at all?
Because the
passions of men will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice,
constraint.” Alexander Hamilton